25th Anniversary of the Hall’s Harbour Community Development Association
Feb 25, 2023
Invitation to Residents of the Hall's Harbour Fire District
February 18th, 2023 From 1:00-3:00OPM @ Hall’s Harbour Fire Hall
Join us for coffee & cake as we celebrate The 25th Anniversary of the Hall’s Harbour Community Development Association ! The Hall’s Harbour Community Development Association (HHCDA) was incorporated on September 29th, 1997.
HHCDA’s journey has been based on the activities of a community of people with a common purpose. That purpose is to protect and preserve our wharves & harbour, businesses, a way of life for our fishers and residents as well as our coastal shoreline on the Bay of Fundy. The community has several volunteer organizations that just might be of interest to you. Volunteer organizations usually meet once a month or less. Small coastal communities need their resident’s participation to survive and thrive! Newcomers are encouraged to join in.
Nominations for HHCDA Directors will take place during a brief Annual General Meeting prior to the information session . If you are interested and want more information: email: davelynn@eastlink.ca or phone Madonna @902-670-1946
This is an opportunity to get to know your neighbours and have fun doing it! Hope to see you.
Saturday February 18th @ 1:00 - 3:00 PM
“Whatever community organization, whether it!s a women!s organization, or fighting for racial justice … you will get satisfaction out of doing something to give back to the community that you never get in any other way.”— Ruth Bader Ginsburg